This Morning We are Praying For

Standard Healthcare Services
College of Nursing
Falls Church, VA

CEO/President…………………… Isibor Joy Nosegbe
Type………………………………… 2-year, Private For-Profit
Campus Housing………………… No
Student Population……………… 623
Student-to-Faculty Ratio………. 37 to 1

Mission Statement
“Standard College of Nursing is a student-centered institution that provides high quality and dynamic nursing education to its students in preparation for licensure as professional/vocational nurses and entry into the field of nursing, as well as provide them with the foundation needed to further their long-term educational and professional goals. Our core mission is to support and inspire our students to achieve excellence in nursing by being innovative, exhibiting a spirit of inquiry, and seeking continuous quality/performance improvement. We aim to inculcate professionalism, caring, and the pursuit of knowledge as a lifelong enterprise, in a culturally diverse and supportive learning environment.”

This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted

Known Christian Groups on Campus:
No Known Gospel Witness

Prayer Request:
1) Please continue to pray for more workers: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” Luke 10.2.

2) Please remember to pray for the leaders of the Christian groups, if there are any, that they would seek God for His leading.

3) Please pray for a revival among the Christians on campus, and that this revival would develop into an awakening for the campus.

4) Please pray for Christian staff, faculty, and administration.

5) Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall on this campus and campuses across the United States.

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