This Morning We are Praying For

Piedmont Virginia Community College
Charlottesville, VA

President……………………………………….. Jean Runyon
Type……………………………………………… 2-year, Public
Campus Housing………………………….. No
Student Population……………………….. 5,022
Student-to-Faculty Ratio……………… 19 to 1
There are approximately 100 international students at Piedmont Virginia Community College; they make up 2.0% of all total students.

Mission Statement
“Piedmont Virginia Community College offers accessible, affordable, high-quality educational programs that promote student success and community vitality. Our mission is achieved through:

  • Transfer programs that prepare students for admission to four-year colleges and universities and successful pursuit of a baccalaureate degree.
  • Workforce programs that prepare students for employment or promotion in a career and promote a skilled regional workforce by meeting the training and educational needs of employers.
  • Rigorous coursework and a full range of academic and student support services that assist students in achieving their educational and career goals.
  • Developmental studies courses that prepare students for college transfer and career and technical programs.
  • Community service that promotes community involvement, educational access, and opportunities for residents of the region.”

This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted

Known Christian Groups on Campus:
1Eighty Christian Fellowship……………………… Sharon Deaton
Chi Alpha (Student Leader)……………………….. Jada Dennis
     Campus Director……………………………………. Peter Bullette
Cru (Student Leader)………………………………….. Philip Fitz-Gerald

Prayer Request:
1) Please pray form more workers: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” Luke 10.2.

2). If this school has on campus housing, please pray for the students living there. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the students of “sin, righteousness, and judgement to come”, according to John 16.8.

3) Please pray that the administration will make wise decisions that are for the student wellbeing!

4) Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be active any Christians who may be on campus: students, staff, or faculty.

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