This Morning We are Praying For
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA
President………………………………………… Brian O. Hemphill
Type………………………………………………. 4-year, Public
Campus Housing…………………………….. Yes
Student Population…………………………… 23,107
Student-to-Faculty Ratio…………………… 16 to 1
International Students (2020)……………. 617 from at least 42 Countries.
Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Mission Statement
“Old Dominion University, located in the City of Norfolk in the metropolitan Hampton Roads region of coastal Virginia, is a dynamic public research institution that serves its students and enriches the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world through rigorous academic programs, strategic partnerships, and active civic engagement.”
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
Anchored (Advisor)…………………………….. Doug Streit
Army of God Christian Ministries…………. ?
Baptist Collegiate Ministry…………………… ?
Bethel Campus Fellowship…………………… ?
Canterbury Episcopal Center………………… ?
Catholic Campus Ministry……………………. Evan Dooley and Emelyn Lazo Medina
Christian Student Fellowship
Campus Minister…………………………….. Crystal McCarthy
Campus Minister…………………………….. Jeremy Ferguson
President……………………………………….. Amelia
Collegians for Christ……………………………. Trishamae Garcia
Cru……………………………………………………. ?
Fellowship of Christian Athletes…………… ?
Hampton Roads Church Student Fellowship…Rachel Myers
InterVarsity Fellowship……………………….. ?
InterVarsity Grad & Faculty Fellowship… Isaac Kim
ODU Coptic Orthodox Society……………… Lavina Anthony
ODU Orthodox Fellowship………………….. Andrew Lambakis
Undivided Ministry…………………………….. Brooke Marcia
Wesley Foundation……………………………… Lucy Jarvis and Bella Castle
Prayer Request:
1) Please pray form more workers: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” Luke 10.2.
2). If this school has on campus housing, please pray for the students living there. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the students of “sin, righteousness, and judgement to come”, according to John 16.8.
3) Please pray that the administration will make wise decisions that are for the student wellbeing!
4) Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be active any Christians who may be on campus: students, staff, or faculty.
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