This Morning We are Praying For
Eastern Florida State College
Cocoa, FL
President……………………………… James H. Richey
Type……………………………………. 4-year, Public
Campus Housing…………………… Yes
Student Population………………… 13,114
Student-to-Faculty Ratio…………. 18 to 1
“There are approximately 131 international students at Eastern Florida State College; they make up 1.0% of all total students.”
*Additional Locations:
Melbourne, FL
Palm Bay, FL
Titusville, FL
Mission Statement
“Eastern Florida State College is committed to engaging our diverse population in quality, accessible learning opportunities that successfully meet individual and community needs.”
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
CRU (Sponsor)……………………… Thomas Highsmith
CRU (Sponsor)……………………… John Favuzza
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Sponsor)…MJ Baker
InterVarsity (Sponsor)…………….. George Chen
Palm Bay:
Refresh Christian Ministries Inter. (Sponsor)…Andrew Forbes
Prayer Request:
1) Jesus said in Luke 10.2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
2) As the summer is upon us, please pray that Christian students, staff, faculty,
and administration will be renewed in their faith and ready for a new academic
3) Please pray that God will call Christians to this campus who will be Missionaries
to their peers.
4) Please pray that God will send a student awakening to the campuses of higher
education all across our country.
5) Please pray that the Holy Spirit will convict people of sin.
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