This Morning We are Praying For

Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH

President…………………………… Donald L. Birx
Type………………………………… 4-year, Public
Campus Housing………………… Yes
Student Population……………… 4,224
Student-to-Faculty Ratio………. 18 to 1
There are approximately 42 international students at Plymouth State; they make up about 1.0% of all total students.

Mission Statement
“Plymouth State University serves the state of New Hampshire and the world beyond by transforming our students through advanced practices where engaged learning produces well-educated undergraduates and by providing graduate education that deepens and advances knowledge and enhances professional development.  With distinction, we connect with community and business partners for economic development, technological advances, healthier living, and cultural enrichment with a special commitment of service to the North Country and Lakes Region of New Hampshire.”

This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted

Known Christian Groups on Campus:
Catholic Campus Minister……………….. Kathy Tardif
Chaplain……………………………………… Sandi Albom
Recovery@PSU/Episcopal………………. Sandi Albom

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Prayer Request:
1). Please pray for the students who will be graduating from this school in the May 12th commencement ceremony. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict of sin, righteousness and the judgment that is to come.

2). Please continue to pray Luke 10.2. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

3). Please remember to pray for any international student who may be present on this campus. Pray that they would come to the knowledge of Christ and be His ambassador back in their homeland.

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