Hebrew College
Newton Centre, MA
President………………………….. Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld
Type………………………………… 4-year, Private Non-Profit
Campus Housing……………….. No
Student Population……………. 167
Student-to-Faculty Ratio……. 1 to 1
“There are approximately 4 international students at Hebrew College; they make up 2.2% of all total students.”
Mission Statement
“Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world. Making our lives more meaningful, our communities more vibrant, and our world more whole.”
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
No Known Gospel Witness
Prayer Request:
1. Luke 10.2 Jesus said to them: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
2. Please continue to pray for a revival among the Christians students, faculty, and staff.
3. Pray that the revival will turn into an awakening among the non-Christian student, faculty, and staff.
4. Please pray for the students who may be living on campus. Pray for sexual purity in the dorms and on campus.
5. Please remember to pray for any international students who may be on campus. We are praying that they would be exposed to the gospel and receive Jesus as their savior. Pray for those who make a commitment to Christ, that when they return home, they would stand strong as a witness for Christ.
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