Fairfield University
Fairfield, CT
President………………………….. Mark R. Nemec
Type………………………………… 4-year, Private Non-Profit
Campus Housing……………….. Yes
Student Population……………. 5,349
Student-to-Faculty Ratio……. 12 to 1
International Students (2019) 227 from at least 30 Countries.
Canada, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Vietnam.
Mission Statement
“Fairfield University, founded by the Society of Jesus, is a coeducational institution of higher learning whose primary objectives are to develop the creative intellectual potential of its students and to foster in them ethical and religious values and a sense of social responsibility. Jesuit Education, which began in 1547, is committed today to the service of faith, of which the promotion of justice is an absolute requirement.”
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
Director of Campus Ministry. ……….. Fr. Paul Rourke
Director of Spiritual Programs……….. Marc Alibrandi
Campus Minister……………….. ……….. Katie Byrnes
Protestant Chaplain……………. ……….. Rev. Jay Glover
Campus Minister……………….. ……….. Kevin Molloy
Fairfield Christian Fellowship……….. ?
Young Life………………………. ……….. ?
Prayer Requests:
1) First and foremost, we are praying Luke 10.2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (NASB)
2) Pray that this summer God calls people specifically to this school, students, staff and faculty.
3) Pray for the student groups. Pray that their summer preparation will go smoothly and that they will be positioned, this fall, to see a harvest.
4) Pray for a revival among the Christian students. Pray that the revival will spread to an awakening for the whole campus.
5) Pray for the international students, that they will come to know the Lord. Some will return home to countries without an adequate gospel witness.
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