Reading Area Community College
Reading, PA
President……………………………….. Susan D. Looney
Type……………………………………… 2-year, Public
Campus Housing…………………….. No
Student Population…………………. 4,280
Student-to-Faculty Ratio…………. 20 to 1
Covid-19 Update:
“As the end of the fall semester approaches, a semester unlike any of us have experienced in our educational careers, we want to reassure you that we will continue to remain focused on the four hallmarks of this institution, Access, Opportunity, Excellence and Hope. As outlined in our Mission Statement, RACC will continue to build communities of learning committed to educational growth and to the economic vitality in our region.”
This Campus Has Not Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
The RACC Christian Network……………………… Jodi Greene (Advisor)
Prayer Requests:
As always, we are asking you to pray Luke 10.2 over each of the schools in this prayer guide. We know that God still answers Prayer.
1) Luke 10.2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into
His harvest.”
2) Some schools have started their Spring Semester. Others are
waiting until February. Please pray for a fruitful semester as
Christians on campus reach out to their peers.
3) With Christmas behind us, lets pray that the Christ of Christmas
will linger in the thoughts and minds of students, faculty and staff.
4) Pray for the Christian clubs and organizations on campus. Ask God
to give them wisdom and Holy Spirit ideas on how to reach students
during the Covid-19 restrictions.
5) Pray for student leaders who have to juggle their school load, their
ministry responsibilities and the Covid-19 pandemic.
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