Grove City College
Grove City, PA
President………………………….. Paul J. McNulty
Type………………………………… 4-year, Private Non-Profit
Campus Housing……………….. Yes
Student Population……………. 2,272
Student-to-Faculty Ratio……. 13 to 1
Covid-19 Update:
“Monday Jan. 25 On-campus classes begin – 8:00 am
Saturday Mar. 27 Easter recess begins – Residence halls close
Monday Apr. 5 Evening classes resume
Tuesday Apr. 6 Day Classes resume
Classes will be in person as of now (Dec. 3, 2020). Progress report links will be linked in the yellow bar at the top of the homepage: gcc.edu. Students will receive any change in plans by email to their gcc.edu email accounts.”
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
“Grove City College announced … that Dr. Donald D. Opitz, an ordained Presbyterian minister and … with a … background in Christian … pastoral care, will serve as the College’s new Chaplain and Senior Director of Christian Formation.”
Apologetics Club…………………………. ?
Drama Outreach………………………….. ?
Fellowship of Christian Athletes……. ?
Fellowship of Christian Educators…. ?
International Justice Mission…………. ?
Koinonia Gospel team………………….. ?
Life Advocates……………………………. ?
Men of God………………………………… ?
New Life…………………………………….. ?
Newman Club……………………………… ?
Orthodox Christian Fellowship………. ?
Polk Christian Outreach……………….. ?
Prison Ministry……………………………. ?
Project Okello……………………………… ?
Steel City Ministries…………………….. ?
Stigma………………………………………… ?
Stonebridge Concerts……………………. ?
Student Mission Fellowship………….. ?
Warriors for Christ………………………. ?
Women of Faith…………………………… ?
Young Life…………………………………. ?
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray for the Christian students, faculty and staff on campus.
2) Pray that they will have boldness to stand up for the Truth!
3) Pray for the student ministries on campus (if there are any) that God would give them favor with the student government and school administration.
4) Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit to sweep the campus.
5) Once again, we are praying Luke 10.2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
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