Cairn University
Langhorne, PA
President…………………………. Todd J. Williams
Type……………………………….. 4-year, Private Non-Profit
Campus Housing……………… Yes
Student Population…………… 1,221
Student-to-Faculty Ratio…… 11 to 1
Covid-19 Update:
Cairn University will begin undergraduate and graduate classes for the Fall 2020semester on Monday, August 31, 2020. This is the date previously established for the academic term. While some institutions of higher education have altered their start date, Cairn’s position is that the best course of action is to maximize the summer break before returning to campus. In addition, we will follow our normal fall semester schedule with fall and Thanksgiving breaks and the semester ending after exams on Friday, December 18, 2020.At any point during the semester, the state could change the status of the COVID-19 response color phase, dictating the need for Cairn to alter the semester schedule and related activities. Cairn is prepared to pivot course and adapt as needed.
This Campus Has NOT Been Adopted
Known Christian Groups on Campus:
MuKappa…………………………………… ?
Student Missionary Fellowship…….. ?
Student Theological Society………… ?
The University Ministry Center……. Stephanie Bernotas
Prayer Requests:
Remember to pray in the Spirit and ask God to show you how you should be praying for this school.
1) Once again we are praying Luke 10.2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
2) Most students are home for the winter break. Please pray that the Christian students will not forget about God during this time.
3) Pray for the Christmas season to be a natural, Christ centered, opportunity for Christian students to speak freely to their non-Christian family about Christ.
4) Pray for the return to school after winter break.
a) Ask God to prepare the Christian laborers for the new semester.
b) Please pray that Covid-19 will end soon. That the students would not have to put up with that added stress for another whole semester.
5) Students are still feeling the stress. Ask God to direct Christian students to have “God” appointments with non-Christian student.
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